7  Phenomenological Models

This chapter shows R codes that can be used to fit the phenomenological models, presented in Chapter 6, on observed confirmed cases. It shows the codes to model a single wave, and those that can be used to model two waves.

Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8")
[1] "en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8"
# Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "English_United States")

Some packages that will be used:

── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.2     ✔ readr     2.1.4
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
✔ ggplot2   3.4.2     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.2     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
✔ purrr     1.0.1     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors

Attaching package: 'scales'

The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':


The following object is masked from 'package:readr':


Let us load the data (results obtained from Chapter 4).


7.1 Simple phenomenological models

7.1.1 Logistic Model

In R, we define the logistic function as follows:

#' Logistic function
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
logistic_f <-  function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  k / ( 1+exp( -r*( x - tau ) ) )

#' First derivative of the logistic function
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
logistic_f_first_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  (k * r * exp( -r * (x - tau) )) / (1+ exp( -r * (x - tau) ))^2

#' Second derivative of the logistic function
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
logistic_f_second_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  k*((2*r^2 * exp(-2*r*(x - tau)))/
       (exp(-r*(x - tau)) + 1)^3 - 
       (r^2*exp(-r*(x - tau)))/(exp(-r*(x - tau)) + 1)^2)

7.1.2 Gompertz Model

In R, the Gompertz Model can be written as:

#' Gompertz function with three parameters
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
gompertz_f <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  k*exp( -exp( -r * (x - tau) ) )
#' First order derivative of Gompertz wrt x
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
gompertz_f_first_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  k * (x - tau) * exp(r * (tau - x) - exp(r * (tau - x)))

#' Second order derivative of Gompertz
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
gompertz_f_second_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  -k * r^2 * exp(-r * (x - tau)) * 
    exp(-exp(-r * (x - tau))) + 
    k * r^2 * (exp(-r * (x - tau)))^2 * exp(-exp(-r * (x - tau)))

7.1.3 Richards Model

In R, Richards’ Model can be coded as follows:

#' Richards function with four parameters
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
richards_f <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  delta <- theta[["delta"]]
  k / (1 + delta * exp(-r * delta * (x - tau)))^(1 / delta)

#' First order derivative of Richards function wrt time (x)
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
richards_f_first_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  delta <- theta[["delta"]]
  delta * k * r * exp(delta * (-r) * (x - tau)) * 
    (delta * exp(delta * (-r) * (x - tau)) + 1)^(-1 / delta - 1)

#' Second order derivative of Richards function wrt time (x)
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x time
richards_f_second_d <- function(theta, x) {
  k <- theta[["k"]]
  tau <- theta[["tau"]]
  r <- theta[["r"]]
  delta <- theta[["delta"]]
  k * ((-1 / delta - 1) * 
         delta^3 * r^2 * (-exp(-2 * delta * r * (x - tau))) *
         (delta * exp(delta * (-r) * (x - tau)) + 1)^(-1 / delta - 2) - 
         delta^2 * r^2 * exp(delta * (-r) * (x - tau)) * 
         (delta * exp(delta * (-r) * (x - tau)) + 1)^(-1 / delta - 1))

7.1.4 Help functions

Some functions can be helpful to fit the models both for the number of cases and deaths. First of all, we can create a function that gives the dates for the different periods:

  • start_first_wave: start of the first wave, defined as the first date when the cumulative number of cases is greater than 1
  • start_high_stringency: date at which the stringency index reaches its maximum value during the first 100 days of the sample
  • start_reduce_restrict: moment at which the restrictions of the first wave starts to lower
  • start_date_sample_second_wave: 60 days after the relaxation of restrictions (60 days after after start_reduce_restrict)
  • length_high_stringency: number of days between start_high_stringency and start_reduce_restrict`.
#' Gives the dates of the different periods (first wave, start of containment, ...)
#' @param country_name name of the country
#' @param type if `"deaths"` returns the number of deaths, otherwise the number of cases
get_dates <- function(country_name,
                      type = c("cases", "deaths")) {
  if (type == "deaths") {
    df_country <- deaths_df |> filter(country == !!country_name)
  } else {
    df_country <- confirmed_df |> filter(country == !!country_name)
  # Start of the first wave
  start_first_wave <- 
    df_country |> 
    arrange(date) |> 
    filter(value > 0) |> 
    slice(1) |> 
  # Start of period with severity greater or equal than 70 index among the first 100 days
  start_high_stringency <- 
    df_country |> 
    slice(1:100) |>
    filter(stringency_index >= 70) |> 
    slice(1) |> 
  # Max for Sweden
  if (country_name == "Sweden") {
    start_high_stringency <- 
      df_country |> 
      slice(1:100) |>
      arrange(desc(stringency_index), date) |>
      slice(1) |> 
  # Max stringency first 100 days
  start_max_stringency <- 
    df_country |> 
    slice(1:100) |>
    arrange(desc(stringency_index), date) |>
    slice(1) |> 

  # Moment at which the restrictions of the first wave starts to lower
  start_reduce_restrict <- 
    df_country |> 
    arrange(date) |> 
    filter(date >= start_max_stringency) |> 
    mutate(tmp = dplyr::lag(stringency_index)) |> 
    mutate(same_strin = stringency_index == tmp) |> 
    mutate(same_strin = ifelse(row_number() == 1, TRUE, same_strin)) |> 
    filter(same_strin == FALSE) |> 
    slice(1) |>
  start_date_sample_second_wave <- start_reduce_restrict + 
  # Length of high stringency period
  length_high_stringency <- lubridate::interval(
    start_high_stringency, start_reduce_restrict) / 
    country = country_name,
    start_first_wave = start_first_wave,
    start_high_stringency = start_high_stringency,
    start_reduce_restrict = start_reduce_restrict,
    start_date_sample_second_wave = start_date_sample_second_wave,
    length_high_stringency = length_high_stringency

We can then create a function to prepare the dataset fot a given country. This function allows to provide data for:

  • the first wave sample: between the first case and 60 days after the day at which the severity index reaches its max value (during the first 100 days) ; we also add some data for the out-of-sample prediction (of length set outside the function by out_of_sample_horizon)
  • the second wave sample: data posterior to 60 days after the relaxation of restrictions
  • all available data

The argument type of the function controls whether we get number of cases or deaths.

#' Extracts the cases data for a country
#' @description
#' If one only wants the first wave (first_wave=TRUE) the following start and
#' end date are used:
#' - start: date of the first case
#' - end: when the severity index is greater than 70
#' @param country_name name of the country
#' @param sample if `"first"`, returns the sample for the first wave; if "second", 
#' for the second wave, and `"all"` for all data up to the end
#' @param type if `"deaths"` returns the number of deaths, otherwise the number of cases
get_values_country <- function(country_name,
                               sample = c("first", "second", "all"),
                               type = c("cases", "deaths")) {
  if (type == "deaths") {
    df_country <- deaths_df |> filter(country == !!country_name)
  } else {
    df_country <- confirmed_df |> filter(country == !!country_name)
  dates_country <- get_dates(country_name, type = type)
  # Maximum of the severity index
  max_severity <- max(df_country$stringency_index, na.rm=TRUE)
  dates_country$max_severity <- max_severity
  if (sample == "first") {
    df_country <- 
      df_country |> 
      filter(date >= dates_country$start_first_wave,
             # 60 days after end max stringency in the first interval of 100 
             # days + `out_of_sample_horizon` more days for out-of-sample pred
             date <= dates_country$start_date_sample_second_wave +
  } else if (sample == "second") {
    df_country <- 
      df_country |> 
      filter(date >= dates_country$start_date_sample_second_wave)
    # Let us remove the number of cases of the first date of this sample
    # to all observation (translation to 1)
    start_val_cases <- df_country$value[1]
    df_country <- 
      df_country |> 
      mutate(value = value - start_val_cases + 1)
  } else {
    df_country <- 
      df_country |> 
      filter(date >= dates_country$start_first_wave)
  # Moving Average for missing values (i.e., for Ireland)
  if (any(is.na(df_country$value))) {
    replacement_values <- round(
        FUN=function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), 
    # Replace only missing values
    df_country <- 
      df_country |> 
      mutate(replacement_values = !!replacement_values) |> 
        value = ifelse(
          yes = replacement_values,
          no = value)
      ) |> 
  df_country <- 
    df_country |> 
    mutate(t = row_number()-1) |> 
    mutate(y = value)

  list(df_country = df_country, dates_country = dates_country)

We need to define a loss function that will be minimized to get the estimates of the models.

#' Loss function
#' @param theta vector of named parameters of the model
#' @param fun prediction function of the model
#' @param y target variable
#' @param t time component (feature)
loss_function <- function(theta,
                          t) {
  (y - fun(theta = theta, x = t))

Once the model are estimated, we can compute some goodness of fit criteria. Let us create a function that computes the AIC, the BIC and the RMSE for a specific model. The function expects three arguments: the prediction function of the model (f), the values for the parameters of the model (in a named vector – theta), and the observations (data).

#' Compute some goodness of fit criteria
#' @param f prediction function of the model
#' @param data data that contains the two columns `y` and `t`
#' @param theta estimated coefficients for the model (used in `f`)
get_criteria <- function(f,
                         theta) {
  n <- nrow(data)
  k <- length(theta)
  w <- rep(1, n)
  errors <- loss_function(theta = theta, fun = f, y = data$y, t = data$t)
  mse <- sum(errors^2) / n
  rmse <- sqrt(mse)
  # Log-likelihood
  ll <- 0.5 * (sum(log(w)) - n * 
                 (log(2 * pi) + 1 - log(n) + log(sum(w * errors^2))))
  aic <- 2 * (k+1) - 2*ll
  bic <- -2 * ll + log(n) * (k+1)
  c(AIC = aic, BIC = bic, RMSE = rmse)

7.2 Predictions at the end of the first wave

Let us turn to the estimation of the number of cases and the estimation of the number of deaths for the first wave. Recall that the sample used is defined as follows: from the first date where the cumulative number of cases (deaths) is greater or equal to 1 to 60 days after the maximum value of the stringency index (start of containment).

Let us focus here first on the estimation of the Gompertz model, for the number of cased, in the UK. Then, we can wrap up the code and estimate all models to all countries.

7.2.1 Example for the UK

We would like to make out-of-sample predictions, to assess how the models perform with unseen data. To that end, let us define a horizon at which to look at (30 days):

out_of_sample_horizon <- 30

Let us also define a limit of the number of fitted values to return:

horizon_pred <- 250

We want to focus on the UK:

country_name <- "United Kingdom"
pop_country <- population |> 
  filter(country == !!country_name) |>
[1] 6.7e+07

The data for the sample can be obtained using the get_values_country() function.

data_country <- 
    country_name = country_name,
    sample = "first",
    type = "cases"
# A tibble: 192 × 8
   country  country_code date       value stringency_index days_since_2020_01_22
   <chr>    <chr>        <date>     <int>            <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1 United … GBR          2020-01-31     2             8.33                     9
 2 United … GBR          2020-02-01     2             8.33                    10
 3 United … GBR          2020-02-02     2            11.1                     11
 4 United … GBR          2020-02-03     8            11.1                     12
 5 United … GBR          2020-02-04     8            11.1                     13
 6 United … GBR          2020-02-05     9            11.1                     14
 7 United … GBR          2020-02-06     9            11.1                     15
 8 United … GBR          2020-02-07     9            11.1                     16
 9 United … GBR          2020-02-08    13            11.1                     17
10 United … GBR          2020-02-09    14            11.1                     18
# ℹ 182 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: t <dbl>, y <int>

# A tibble: 1 × 7
  country        start_first_wave start_high_stringency start_reduce_restrict
  <chr>          <date>           <date>                <date>               
1 United Kingdom 2020-01-31       2020-03-23            2020-05-11           
# ℹ 3 more variables: start_date_sample_second_wave <date>,
#   length_high_stringency <dbl>, max_severity <dbl>

We obtained both the sample to learn from and the dates of interest, in a list. Let us store those in single objects:

df_country <- data_country$df_country
dates_country <- data_country$dates_country

The model we wish to estimate is the Gompertz model:

model_name <- "Gompertz"

The different functions of the model are the following:

model_function <- gompertz_f
model_function_d <- gompertz_f_first_d
model_function_dd <- gompertz_f_second_d

The training sample:

# Training sample
df_country_training <- 
  df_country |> 
  slice(1:(nrow(df_country) - out_of_sample_horizon))
# A tibble: 162 × 8
   country  country_code date       value stringency_index days_since_2020_01_22
   <chr>    <chr>        <date>     <int>            <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1 United … GBR          2020-01-31     2             8.33                     9
 2 United … GBR          2020-02-01     2             8.33                    10
 3 United … GBR          2020-02-02     2            11.1                     11
 4 United … GBR          2020-02-03     8            11.1                     12
 5 United … GBR          2020-02-04     8            11.1                     13
 6 United … GBR          2020-02-05     9            11.1                     14
 7 United … GBR          2020-02-06     9            11.1                     15
 8 United … GBR          2020-02-07     9            11.1                     16
 9 United … GBR          2020-02-08    13            11.1                     17
10 United … GBR          2020-02-09    14            11.1                     18
# ℹ 152 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: t <dbl>, y <int>

Then, we can fit the model. But first, we need starting values for the optimization algorithm:

# The starting values
start <- list(
  k   = pop_country,
  tau = 80,
  r   = .24

Then we can proceed with the estimation of the model:

out <- nls.lm(
  par = start, 
  fn = loss_function,
  y = df_country$y,
  t = df_country$t,
  fun = model_function,
  nls.lm.control(maxiter = 100),
  jac = NULL, 
  lower = NULL,
  upper = NULL)

Here are the results:


     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
k   2.992e+05  6.512e+02   459.4   <2e-16 ***
tau 7.587e+01  1.410e-01   538.2   <2e-16 ***
r   4.296e-02  3.861e-04   111.3   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 3738 on 189 degrees of freedom
Number of iterations to termination: 12 
Reason for termination: Relative error in the sum of squares is at most `ftol'. 

Let us store the estimated parameters of the model:

params <- tibble(
  model_type = model_name,
  country = country_name,
  coef_estimate_name = names(coef(out)),
  coef_estimate = coef(out)
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  model_type country        coef_estimate_name coef_estimate
  <chr>      <chr>          <chr>                      <dbl>
1 Gompertz   United Kingdom k                    299189.    
2 Gompertz   United Kingdom tau                      75.9   
3 Gompertz   United Kingdom r                         0.0430

The goodness of fit can be obtained using the previously defined function get_criteria(), and the results can be saved in a table:

# Goodness of fit
crit <- get_criteria(
  f = model_function,
  data = df_country_training,
  theta = params$coef_estimate
criteria <- tibble(
  model_type = model_name,
  country = country_name,
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  model_type country          AIC   BIC  RMSE
  <chr>      <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Gompertz   United Kingdom 3049. 3062. 2885.

Let us now turn to the out-of-sample predictions. We need to compare the predictions of the model 30 days after the end of the sample, with those that were observed (but not used in the estimation). The test sample becomes:

df_country_test <- 
  df_country |> 
  slice((nrow(df_country) - out_of_sample_horizon + 1):(nrow(df_country)))
# A tibble: 30 × 8
   country country_code date        value stringency_index days_since_2020_01_22
   <chr>   <chr>        <date>      <int>            <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1 United… GBR          2020-07-11 288953             64.4                   171
 2 United… GBR          2020-07-12 289603             64.4                   172
 3 United… GBR          2020-07-13 290133             64.4                   173
 4 United… GBR          2020-07-14 291373             64.4                   174
 5 United… GBR          2020-07-15 291911             64.4                   175
 6 United… GBR          2020-07-16 292552             64.4                   176
 7 United… GBR          2020-07-17 293239             64.4                   177
 8 United… GBR          2020-07-18 294066             64.4                   178
 9 United… GBR          2020-07-19 294792             64.4                   179
10 United… GBR          2020-07-20 295372             64.4                   180
# ℹ 20 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: t <dbl>, y <int>

The different criteria can be computed on the predictions made for that 30 days interval:

crit_oos <- get_criteria(
  f = model_function, 
  data = df_country_test,
  theta = params$coef_estimate
criteria_oos <- tibble(
  model_type = model_name,
  country = country_name,
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  model_type country          AIC   BIC  RMSE
  <chr>      <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Gompertz   United Kingdom  620.  626. 6564.

Let us now process the data so that we know, for each observations, whether the prediction corresponds to seen or unseen data:

obs <- df_country_training$value
type_obs <- rep("obs", length(obs))
if (length(obs) < horizon_pred) {
  obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, horizon_pred-length(obs)))
  type_obs <- c(
    rep("out_of_sample", horizon_pred - length(type_obs))
[1] 2 2 2 8 8 9
[1] 250
[1] "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs"
[1] "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample"
[5] "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample"
[1] 250

Let us create a vector of corresponding dates for those:

dates <- df_country_training$date
if (length(dates) < horizon_pred) {
  dates <- dates[1] + lubridate::ddays(seq_len(horizon_pred) - 1)
[1] "2020-01-31" "2020-02-01" "2020-02-02" "2020-02-03" "2020-02-04"
[6] "2020-02-05"
[1] "2020-10-01" "2020-10-02" "2020-10-03" "2020-10-04" "2020-10-05"
[6] "2020-10-06"
[1] 250

Then, the predictions obtained with the model can be saved in a table:

fitted_val <- tibble(
  country  = !!country_name,
  index    = seq_len(horizon_pred) - 1,
  value    = obs,
  type_obs = type_obs,
  date     = dates
) |> 
    model_type   = model_name,
    fitted_value = model_function(
      theta = params$coef_estimate,
      x = index)
# A tibble: 250 × 7
   country        index value type_obs date       model_type fitted_value
   <chr>          <dbl> <int> <chr>    <date>     <chr>             <dbl>
 1 United Kingdom     0     2 obs      2020-01-31 Gompertz     0.00000149
 2 United Kingdom     1     2 obs      2020-02-01 Gompertz     0.00000446
 3 United Kingdom     2     2 obs      2020-02-02 Gompertz     0.0000127 
 4 United Kingdom     3     8 obs      2020-02-03 Gompertz     0.0000347 
 5 United Kingdom     4     8 obs      2020-02-04 Gompertz     0.0000909 
 6 United Kingdom     5     9 obs      2020-02-05 Gompertz     0.000228  
 7 United Kingdom     6     9 obs      2020-02-06 Gompertz     0.000552  
 8 United Kingdom     7     9 obs      2020-02-07 Gompertz     0.00129   
 9 United Kingdom     8    13 obs      2020-02-08 Gompertz     0.00289   
10 United Kingdom     9    14 obs      2020-02-09 Gompertz     0.00628   
# ℹ 240 more rows

Using the second order derivative with respect to time of the model, we can compute the three key moments, and store those in a table:

# Key moments
tau <- out$par$tau

# First wave
acceleration <- model_function_dd(
  theta = out$par, x = seq(1, tau)
) |> which.max()

deceleration <- tau + 
    theta = out$par,
    x = seq(tau, horizon_pred)
  ) |> which.min()

# Peak
abs_second_d_vals <- abs(
    theta = out$par,
    seq(acceleration, deceleration)
abs_second_d_vals <- abs_second_d_vals / min(abs_second_d_vals)
peak <- mean(which(abs_second_d_vals == 1)) + acceleration

# Relative speed at max speed
relative_speed <- model_function_d(theta = out$par, x = peak) /
  model_function(theta = out$par, x = peak)

key_moments <- tibble(
  country  = country_name,
  model_type = model_name,
  t = round(c(acceleration, peak, deceleration)),
  value = model_function(theta = out$par, t),
  moment = c("acceleration", "peak", "deceleration")
) |> 
      country = country_name,
      model_type = model_name,
      t = peak,
      value = relative_speed,
      moment = "relative_speed"
  ) |> 
    date = first(df_country_training$date) + lubridate::ddays(t) - 1
# A tibble: 4 × 6
  country        model_type     t     value moment         date      
  <chr>          <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>          <date>    
1 United Kingdom Gompertz      53  20708.   acceleration   2020-03-23
2 United Kingdom Gompertz      77 115420.   peak           2020-04-16
3 United Kingdom Gompertz      99 206618.   deceleration   2020-05-08
4 United Kingdom Gompertz      77      1.08 relative_speed 2020-04-16

We can plot the results showing observed values and predicted ones. First, let us prepare the data.

the_dates <- map_df("United Kingdom", get_dates, type = "cases")
df_key_moments <- 
    key_moments |> 
    left_join(colour_table, by = "country")
df_plot <- 
  fitted_val |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(value, fitted_value)) |> 
  filter(! (type_obs == "out_of_sample" & name == "value") ) |> 
  mutate(linetype = str_c(type_obs, "_", name)) |> 
    linetype = ifelse(
      linetype %in% c("obs_value", "out_of_sample_value"),
      yes = "obs",
      no = linetype
  ) |> 
  select(country, date, value, linetype)

df_plot <- 
  df_plot |> 
  left_join(colour_table, by = "country") |>   
    linetype = factor(
      levels = c("obs", "obs_fitted_value", "out_of_sample_fitted_value"),
      labels = c("Obs.", "Fitted values", "Predictions")

df_dots <- 
  the_dates |> 
  mutate(end_sample = start_reduce_restrict + lubridate::ddays(60)) |> 
    df_plot |> 
      filter(linetype == "Obs.") |> 
      select(country, date, value), 
    by = c("end_sample" = "date", "country" = "country")
  ) |> 
  left_join(colour_table, by = "country")

And then we can plot:

ggplot(data = df_plot) +
      mapping = aes(
        x = date, y = value,
        colour = country_code, linetype = linetype)
    ) +
      data = df_dots,
      mapping = aes(x = end_sample, y = value,
                    colour = country_code),
      shape = 2,
      show.legend = FALSE
    ) +
      data = df_key_moments,
      mapping = aes(
        x = date, y = value,
        colour = country_code
    ) +
    scale_colour_manual(NULL, values = colour_countries) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = "Cases") +
      labels = date_format("%b %d"),
      breaks = lubridate::ymd(lubridate::pretty_dates(df_plot$date, n = 5))) +
      values = c("Obs." = "solid",
                 "Fitted values" = "dashed",
                 "Predictions" = "dotted")) +

Figure 7.1: Prediction of cases using the Gompertz model, for the UK (single wave)

In Figure 7.1, big dots represent the three stages of the epidemic. A triangle indicates the end of the estimation period corresponding to 60 days after the end of the most severe confinement. The Solid line corresponds to the observed series and dotted lines the predictions using Gompertz model.

7.3 Double sigmoid functions to account for a second wave

Let us now turn to double sigmoid functions to model two waves of the epidemic.

7.3.1 Double Logistic

The double logistic function, its first and second derivatives with respect to time can be coded as follows:

# Double logistic
double_logistic_f <-  function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  (K1/(1 + exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))) + ((K2 - K1)/(1 + exp(-r2 * (x - tau2))))
# Double logistic in two parts
double_logistic_f_2 <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  f_1 <- K1 / (1 + exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))
  f_2 <- (K2 - K1)/(1 + exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)))
  tibble(x = x, f_1 = f_1, f_2 = f_2)

# First derivative
double_logistic_f_first_d <-  function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  (r1 * K1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1))) / ((exp(-r1 * (x-tau1)) + 1)^2) +
    (r2 * (K2-K1) * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2))) / ((exp(-r2 * (x-tau2)) + 1)^2)
# Second derivative
double_logistic_f_second_d <-  function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  K1 *  ((2 * r1^2 * exp(-2 * r1 * (x - tau1)))/(exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) + 1)^3 - 
           ( r1^2 * exp(- r1 * (x - tau1)))/(exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) + 1)^2) +
    (K2-K1) *  
    ((2 * r2^2 * exp(-2 * r2 * (x - tau2)))/(exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) + 1)^3 - 
       ( r2^2 * exp(- r2 * (x - tau2)))/(exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) + 1)^2)

7.3.2 Double Gompertz Model

The double Gompertz function, its first and second derivatives with respect to time can be coded as follows:

# Double-Gompertz function
#' @param theta vector of named parameters
#' @param x observation / training example
double_gompertz_f <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  f_1 <- K1 * exp(-exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))
  f_2 <- (K2-K1) * exp(-exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)))
  f_1 + f_2

#' Double-Gompertz function in two parts
double_gompertz_f_2 <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]

  f_1 <- K1 * exp(-exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))
  f_2 <- (K2-K1) * exp(-exp(-r2 * (x-tau2)))
  tibble(x = x, f_1 = f_1, f_2 = f_2)

#' First derivative
double_gompertz_f_first_d <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]

  f_1_d <- r1 * K1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1) - exp(- r1 * (x - tau1)))
  f_2_d <- r2 * (K2-K1) * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2) - exp(- r2 * (x - tau2)))
  f_1_d + f_2_d

#' Second derivative
double_gompertz_f_second_d <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  -K1 * r1^2 * exp(-r1*(x - tau1)) * exp(-exp(-r1*(x - tau1))) +
    K1 * r1^2 * (exp( -r1*(x - tau1)))^2 * exp(-exp(-r1*(x - tau1))) - 
    (K2 - K1) * r2^2 * exp( -r2 * (x - tau2)) * exp( -exp(-r2*(x - tau2))) +
    (K2 - K1) * r2^2 * (exp( -r2 * (x - tau2)))^2 * exp(-exp(-r2*(x-tau2)))

7.3.3 Double Richards Model

The double Richards function, its first and second derivatives with respect to time can be coded as follows:

#' Double Richards
double_richards_f <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  delta1 <- theta[["delta1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  delta2 <- theta[["delta2"]]
  K1 * (1 + delta1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))^(-1 / delta1) +
    (K2 - K1) * (1 + delta2 * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)))^(-1 / delta2)

#' Double Richards in two parts
double_richards_f_2 <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  delta1 <- theta[["delta1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  delta2 <- theta[["delta2"]]
  f_1 <- K1 * (1 + delta1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)))^(-1 / delta1)
  f_2 <- (K2 - K1) * (1 + delta2 * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)))^(-1 / delta2)
  tibble(x = x, f_1 = f_1, f_2 = f_2)

#' First derivative
double_richards_f_first_d <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  delta1 <- theta[["delta1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  delta2 <- theta[["delta2"]]
  r1 * K1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) * 
    (delta1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) + 1)^(-1/delta1 - 1) +
    r2 * (K2-K1) * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) * 
    (delta2 * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) + 1)^(-1/delta2 - 1)

#' Second derivative
double_richards_f_second_d <- function(theta, x) {
  K1 <- theta[["K1"]]
  tau1 <- theta[["tau1"]]
  r1 <- theta[["r1"]]
  delta1 <- theta[["delta1"]]
  K2 <- theta[["K2"]]
  tau2 <- theta[["tau2"]]
  r2 <- theta[["r2"]]
  delta2 <- theta[["delta2"]]
  K1 * (r1^2 * (-1/delta1 - 1) * delta1 * (-exp(-2 * r1 * (x - tau1))) * 
          (delta1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) + 1)^(-1/delta1 - 2) - r1^2 * 
          exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) * 
          (delta1 * exp(-r1 * (x - tau1)) + 1)^(-1/delta1 - 1)) +
    (K2 - K1) * 
    (r2^2 * (-1 / delta2 - 1) * 
       delta2 * (-exp(-2 * r2 * (x - tau2))) * 
       (delta2 * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) + 1)^(-1/delta2 - 2) - 
       r2^2 * 
       exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) * 
       (delta2 * exp(-r2 * (x - tau2)) + 1)^(-1/delta2 - 1))

7.3.4 Help functions

Once again, we will rely on some help functions. These were defined previously:

  • get_dates(): returns the dates relative to the sample of a specific country
  • get_values_country(): returns the sample data for a single country
  • loss_function(): the loss function that is minimized to find the model estimates
  • get_criteria(): returns goodness of fit criteria for a model estimated with nls.lm.

7.3.5 Example for the UK

Let us consider an example, as was done for the first wave: that of the UK. The next section will show how the code can be used to estimate all the three double sigmoid models to each country.

First, we need to decide the time horizon for the fitted values that will be returned. If the horizon is greater than the end of observed values, we will return out-of-sample predictions.

end_date_sample <- lubridate::ymd("2020-09-28")
end_date_data <- max(confirmed_df$date)
out_of_sample_horizon <- seq(end_date_sample, end_date_data, by = "day") |>

horizon_pred <- 310

So, we want to focus on the UK:

country_name <- "United Kingdom"
pop_country <- 
  population |> filter(country == !!country_name) |> 
[1] 6.7e+07

Let us show here how we can fit a Double Gompertz model, on the number of confirmed cases:

model_name <- "Double_Gompertz"
type <- "cases"

Setting the sample argument in our function get_values_country() allows us to extract the whole sample for a specific country. We can then store each element of the returned list in a single variable:

data_country <- get_values_country(
  sample = "all", 
  type = type

The training sample:

df_country <- data_country$df_country
# A tibble: 275 × 8
   country  country_code date       value stringency_index days_since_2020_01_22
   <chr>    <chr>        <date>     <int>            <dbl>                 <dbl>
 1 United … GBR          2020-01-31     2             8.33                     9
 2 United … GBR          2020-02-01     2             8.33                    10
 3 United … GBR          2020-02-02     2            11.1                     11
 4 United … GBR          2020-02-03     8            11.1                     12
 5 United … GBR          2020-02-04     8            11.1                     13
 6 United … GBR          2020-02-05     9            11.1                     14
 7 United … GBR          2020-02-06     9            11.1                     15
 8 United … GBR          2020-02-07     9            11.1                     16
 9 United … GBR          2020-02-08    13            11.1                     17
10 United … GBR          2020-02-09    14            11.1                     18
# ℹ 265 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: t <dbl>, y <int>

And the dates of interest:

dates_country <- data_country$dates_country
# A tibble: 1 × 7
  country        start_first_wave start_high_stringency start_reduce_restrict
  <chr>          <date>           <date>                <date>               
1 United Kingdom 2020-01-31       2020-03-23            2020-05-11           
# ℹ 3 more variables: start_date_sample_second_wave <date>,
#   length_high_stringency <dbl>, max_severity <dbl>

We previoulsy defined the Double Gompertz function and its first and second order derivatives. Let us use these:

model_function <- double_gompertz_f
model_function_2 <- double_logistic_f_2
model_function_d <- double_gompertz_f_first_d
model_function_dd <- double_gompertz_f_second_d

The training sample is the whole sample here:

df_country_training <- df_country

Let us set a bounding value for \(\tau_2\):

nf_tau <- 280

Some starting values for the optimization algorithm:

start <- list(
  K1     = last(df_country$y)/2,
  tau1   = 70,
  r1     = .12,
  K2     = last(df_country$y),
  tau2   = 200,
  r2     = 0.05

Here are the constraints that we set on the parameters of the model:

lower_c <- c(K1 = 0, tau1 = 50, r1 = 0,
             K2 = 0, tau2 = 0,  r2 = 0)

upper_c <- c(K1 = pop_country, tau1 = Inf,    r1 = Inf,
             K2 = pop_country, tau2 = nf_tau, r2 = Inf)

We can then use the nls.lm() function to minimize the loss function (loss_function()) for the Double Gompertz model whose function is stored in model_function():

out <- nls.lm(
  par = start,
  fn = loss_function,
  y = df_country$y,
  t = df_country$t,
  fun = model_function,
  lower = lower_c,
  upper = upper_c,
  nls.lm.control(maxiter = 250),

The estimates can be stored in a table:

params <- tibble(
  model_type = model_name,
  country = country_name,
  coef_estimate_name = names(coef(out)),
  coef_estimate = coef(out)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  model_type      country        coef_estimate_name coef_estimate
  <chr>           <chr>          <chr>                      <dbl>
1 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom K1                   315516.    
2 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom tau1                     77.6   
3 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom r1                        0.0371
4 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom K2                  2510392.    
5 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom tau2                    280     
6 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom r2                        0.0266

The goodness of fit can be obtained using the get_criteria() function that was previously defined:

crit <- get_criteria(
  f = model_function,
  data = df_country_training,
  theta = params$coef_estimate

criteria <- tibble(
  model_type = model_name,
  country = country_name,
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  model_type      country          AIC   BIC  RMSE
  <chr>           <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Double_Gompertz United Kingdom 5817. 5842. 9239.

Now, let us get the fitted values, up to the desired horizon as set in horizon_pred:

# Observed values
obs <- df_country_training$value
type_obs <- rep("obs", length(obs))
if (length(obs) < horizon_pred) {
  obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, horizon_pred-length(obs)))
  type_obs <- c(
    rep("out_of_sample", horizon_pred-length(type_obs))
[1] 2 2 2 8 8 9
[1] 310
[1] "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs" "obs"
[1] "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample"
[5] "out_of_sample" "out_of_sample"
[1] 310

The corresponding dates:

dates <- df_country_training$date
if (length(dates) < horizon_pred) {
  dates <- dates[1] + lubridate::ddays(seq_len(horizon_pred) - 1)
[1] "2020-01-31" "2020-02-01" "2020-02-02" "2020-02-03" "2020-02-04"
[6] "2020-02-05"
[1] "2020-11-30" "2020-12-01" "2020-12-02" "2020-12-03" "2020-12-04"
[6] "2020-12-05"
[1] 310

The fitted values can be stored in a table:

fitted_val <- tibble(
  country  = !!country_name,
  index    = seq_len(horizon_pred) - 1,
  value    = obs,
  type_obs = type_obs,
  date     = dates
) |> 
    model_type   = model_name,
    fitted_value = model_function(theta = params$coef_estimate, x = index)

# A tibble: 310 × 7
   country        index value type_obs date       model_type      fitted_value
   <chr>          <dbl> <int> <chr>    <date>     <chr>                  <dbl>
 1 United Kingdom     0     2 obs      2020-01-31 Double_Gompertz      0.00630
 2 United Kingdom     1     2 obs      2020-02-01 Double_Gompertz      0.0120 
 3 United Kingdom     2     2 obs      2020-02-02 Double_Gompertz      0.0224 
 4 United Kingdom     3     8 obs      2020-02-03 Double_Gompertz      0.0407 
 5 United Kingdom     4     8 obs      2020-02-04 Double_Gompertz      0.0725 
 6 United Kingdom     5     9 obs      2020-02-05 Double_Gompertz      0.126  
 7 United Kingdom     6     9 obs      2020-02-06 Double_Gompertz      0.216  
 8 United Kingdom     7     9 obs      2020-02-07 Double_Gompertz      0.362  
 9 United Kingdom     8    13 obs      2020-02-08 Double_Gompertz      0.596  
10 United Kingdom     9    14 obs      2020-02-09 Double_Gompertz      0.963  
# ℹ 300 more rows

We can also add the two components of the sigmoid, separately:

fitted_val <- 
  fitted_val |> 
    f_1 = model_function_2(x = index, theta = params$coef_estimate)[["f_1"]],
    f_2 = model_function_2(x = index, theta = params$coef_estimate)[["f_2"]]

The key moments can be computed, using the second derivative of the model function.

For the first wave, the acceleration point corresponds to the moment where the second derivative reaches its maximum value. We therefore look at the time between the outbreak and the midpoint of the second wave where the second derivative reaches its maximum.

Let us first get the midpoints of the sigmoids:

# Estimated midpoints of the sigmoids
tau_1 <- out$par$tau1
tau_2 <- out$par$tau2
[1] 77.56061
[1] 280

Then we can compute the acceleration point:

acceleration_wave_1 <- model_function_dd(
  theta = out$par,
  x = seq(1, tau_1)
) |> 
[1] 52

The deceleration point corresponds to the moment at which we observe the minimum acceleration:

deceleration_wave_1 <- 
  tau_1 + model_function_dd(
    theta = out$par,
    x = seq(tau_1, tau_2)
  ) |> 
[1] 104.5606

Then we can compute the peak of the first wave, where the acceleration is null:

abs_second_d_vals <- abs(
    theta = out$par,
    seq(acceleration_wave_1, deceleration_wave_1)
abs_second_d_vals <- abs_second_d_vals / min(abs_second_d_vals)
peak_1 <- mean(which(abs_second_d_vals == 1)) + acceleration_wave_1
[1] 79

For the second wave, the acceleration is the moment where we observe the maximum acceleration. We look at the second derivative of the model after the deleceration of the first wave:

acceleration_wave_2 <- 
  deceleration_wave_1 +
    theta = out$par, 
    seq(deceleration_wave_1, last(df_country_training$t))
  ) |> 

The deceleration:

deceleration_wave_2 <- 
  acceleration_wave_2 +
    theta = out$par, 
    seq(acceleration_wave_2, horizon_pred)
  ) |> 
[1] 310.5606

And lastly, the peak of the second wave:

peak_2 <- 
    theta = out$par,
    seq(acceleration_wave_2, deceleration_wave_2)
  ) |> 
peak_2 <- which(peak_2 < 10) |> 
peak_2 <- peak_2 + acceleration_wave_2
[1] 281.0606

We can also add the relative speed at each peak. For the first wave:

relative_speed_1 <- model_function_d(theta = out$par, x = peak_1) /
  model_function(theta = out$par, x = peak_1)
[1] 0.03514423

and for the second:

relative_speed_2 <- model_function_d(theta = out$par, x = peak_2) /
  model_function(theta = out$par, x = peak_2)
[1] 0.01873886

These moments can be stored in a table

key_moments <- tibble(
  country  = country_name,
  model_type = model_name,
  t = c(
    acceleration_wave_1, peak_1, deceleration_wave_1,
    acceleration_wave_2, peak_2, deceleration_wave_2
  value = model_function(theta = out$par, t),
  moment = c(
    "acceleration 1", "peak 1", "deceleration 1",
    "acceleration 2", "peak 2", "deceleration 2"
) |> 
      country = country_name,
      model_type = model_name,
      t = c(peak_1, peak_2),
      value = c(relative_speed_1, relative_speed_2),
      moment = c("relative speed 1", "relative speed 2")
  ) |> 
  mutate(date = first(df_country_training$date) + lubridate::ddays(t) - 1)
# A tibble: 8 × 6
  country        model_type          t        value moment   date               
  <chr>          <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>    <dttm>             
1 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz   52    23923.     acceler… 2020-03-22 23:59:59
2 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz   79   122263.     peak 1   2020-04-18 23:59:59
3 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz  105.  218473.     deceler… 2020-05-14 13:27:15
4 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz  245.  483560.     acceler… 2020-10-01 13:27:15
5 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz  281. 1145566.     peak 2   2020-11-07 01:27:15
6 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz  311. 1723791.     deceler… 2020-12-06 13:27:15
7 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz   79        0.0351 relativ… 2020-04-18 23:59:59
8 United Kingdom Double_Gompertz  281.       0.0187 relativ… 2020-11-07 01:27:15

Let us prepare the data to make a plot.

the_dates <- map_df("United Kingdom", get_dates, type = "cases")
df_plot <-
  fitted_val |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = c(value, fitted_value)) |> 
  filter(! (type_obs == "out_of_sample" & name == "value") ) |>
  mutate(linetype = str_c(type_obs, "_", name)) |>
    linetype = factor(
      levels = c(
      labels = c(
        "Double Gompertz",
        "Double Gompertz"
df_plot <-
  df_plot |> 
     by = c("country")

date_end_obs <- 
  df_plot |> 
  filter(linetype == "Obs.") |> 
  arrange(desc(date)) |> 
  slice(1) |> 

date_end_sample <- max(df_plot$date)

And the plot. The shaded area corresponds to out-of-sample predictions, starting with the end of the observed data (i.e., September 28).

ggplot(data = df_plot) +
    mapping = aes(
      x = date, y = value,
      colour = country_code, linetype = linetype
  ) +
    scale_colour_manual(NULL, values = colour_countries) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = "Cases") +
      labels = date_format("%b %d %Y"),
      breaks = lubridate::ymd(lubridate::pretty_dates(df_plot$date, n = 5))
    ) +
    # scale_linetype_manual(
    #   NULL,
    #   values = c(
    #     "Obs." = "solid",
    #     "Double Richards" = "dashed",
    #     "Double Gompertz" = "dotted"
    #   )
    # ) +
      geom = "rect", 
      xmin = date_end_obs, xmax = date_end_sample,
      ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf,
      alpha = .2, fill = "grey"
    ) +

Figure 7.2: Predictions of the number of cases for the UK, with a double Gompertz model.