3  Base Plots

3.1 LaTeX Expressions

I want to display LaTeX equations as the names on one of the axis, using basic plot. I will do this using the TeX() function from {latex2exp}.

Let us generate some dummy data:


Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
n <- 100
tb <- tibble(
  class = rep(
    c("Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$",
      "Model 2 with $X \\sim N(1,1)$"),
    each = n
  y = c(
    rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = 1),
    rnorm(n = n, mean = 1, sd = 1)
) |> 
    class = factor(class)
# A tibble: 200 × 2
   class                                   y
   <fct>                               <dbl>
 1 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$" -1.68    
 2 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  1.52    
 3 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  0.592   
 4 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$" -0.635   
 5 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  1.82    
 6 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  1.13    
 7 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  1.40    
 8 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$"  0.501   
 9 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$" -0.000869
10 "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$" -0.878   
# ℹ 190 more rows

The levels:

lvls <- levels(tb$class)
[1] "Model 1 with $X \\sim N(0,1)$" "Model 2 with $X \\sim N(1,1)$"
par(mar = c(2.1, 10.1, 2.1, 2.1))
  y ~ class,
  data = tb,
  horizontal = TRUE,
  las = 1,
  xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
  yaxt = "n"

# Setting the y axis (with the LaTeX expressions)
  at = 1:length(lvls), 
  labels = c(latex2exp::TeX(lvls)),
  las = 2


Unfortunately, the \mathcal{} is not supported by R.

Now, what if we want to add a new line to the labels? It becomes a bit ugly…

tb <- tibble(
  class = rep(
      "$\\overset{\\normalsize{Model~1~with}}{X \\sim N(0,1)}$",
      "$\\overset{\\normalsize{Model~2~with}}{X \\sim N(1,1)}$"
    each = n
  y = c(
    rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = 1),
    rnorm(n = n, mean = 1, sd = 1)
) |> 
    class = factor(class)
lvls <- levels(tb$class)

par(mar = c(2.1, 7.1, 2.1, 2.1))
  y ~ class,
  data = tb,
  horizontal = TRUE,
  las = 1,
  xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
  yaxt = "n"
# Setting the y axis (with the LaTeX expressions)
  at = 1:length(lvls), 
  labels = c(latex2exp::TeX(lvls)),
  las = 2